Hi everyone, come on a weight loss journey with me through the ups and downs and hopefully out the other end...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A better choice at church

I feel i did really well today especially at church compared to my normal 'feast' i chose not to eat anything that was fried and only had a small amount of the rest and a cup and a half of my chicken soup wich was very low fat. After i finished my plate i walked back up to the table and then walked away thinking "no i don't really need it" and i didn't have it, i didn't even feel like i was missing out on something wich felt great! Then at dessert i just had 1 and a incy wincy muffin (it could hardly be counted it was so small lol) and some rockmelon... so yes, very proud today!


  1. Hey good work! Quiet achievements. Will try and remember to consider what to bring for tea regarding health wise. Hey, how u going to Casting Crowns? U going with Kat, Lain etc?

  2. Thanx Jase! yah im going with Kat, lain etc i made her take me so i didn't get left out! lol

  3. good on you suz ur going so well wish i could find motivation.

    from leanne

